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New Features Added to Demo

National Parks Tycoon 2023
A downloadable game for Windows

Ive not had a great deal of time this week to develope the game but have managed to add in a few more retail options. These are brand new Hotdog Kiosks and Burger Kiosks, both require electricity to get up and running but will generate more profits than a simple burger stand etc. All the retail outlets will require fine tuning once I have them all in, for now some are not as profitable as they should be. Getting the right balance between the cost you pay to build these retial outlets and the profits you generate will take a bit of time.

My goal with the kiosks is to make a third level of retail outlets. Starting with your basic hotdogs stands on level one, your kiosks as level 2 and your cafe buildings etc being level 3. Its a slow process but its nice to see this part of the game making more sense and having more options.

A lot of other smaller updates are also included but most of these you will not notice.


  • National Parks Tycoon PC Demo 2 GB
    Jul 03, 2023
Download National Parks Tycoon 2023
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