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v1.11 - Tutorial Time!

Lost For Swords
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello there! :)

Before my vacation, I wanted to get one more upgrade in... here's what's new:

  • Tutorial: I think the game is currently in a good state, but new players are having a hard time and can be overwhelmed. That’s why I devised a small tutorial that’s automatically started for first-time players. I hope it helps to explain what the game is all about!
  • Rework of starting deck for Rogue and Rogue cards: with the recent change that allows enemies to move, ranged weapons were nerfed quite a bit. Which in turn made the Rogue much weaker. A rework was necessary to get the Rogue’s power level back up. The main goal is to make the Rogue stay squishy, but also give him enough tools to equalize this. A big problem is getting trapped by monsters against the board’s borders or other cards. I need to find a balance between allowing Rogues to escape these situations, but also encouraging players to forsee and avoid these entrapment situations, punishing them if they don’t. This will be an ongoing process, and while the changes in this version should help, they may not be enough.
  • Tweaked algorithm for filling board, giving players a bit more space to gather a few gear cards before encountering monsters.
  • Reworked Vanity: the card SHOULD be a negative one, but it never felt that negative. And with the movement change, it even gained the great upside of allowing players to sculpt the board and create tactical advantages that way. Especially Majestic Armor was incredibly strong. To counteract this, Vanity now does 2 damage to you (this damage can be blocked with armor).
  • Re-Re-worked shift back to push: shifting made more sense in the old system, but was more complex to understand. Now that enemies move, pushing enemies away is useful, so it takes the place of shifting (again). Also, weapons that push deal their damage AFTER pushing, so it is possible to push monsters into explosive barrels (and vice versa).
  • Other smaller card refinements
  • Continued improvements to art style and making visuals more consistent
  • Show an overlay at the start of each room
  • Lots of new Cards:
    • Blade Flurry
    • Mjölnir
    • Lance
    • Bulwark Lance
    • Infused Sword
    • Mirage
    • Timed Pillar
    • Chest

As always, thanks for reading and see you at the next patch! :)

Bye! (ʘ‿ʘ)╯


  • Lost For Swords 32 MB
    Version 15
  • 47 MB
    Version 16
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