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Final Journey update Week #6: New Updates!

Final Journey
A downloadable game

Hey guys I'm back with a new post.

I know its been almost a month since I made a post and I'm really sorry for leaving you guys in the dark for awhile. 

I had to finish my finals and I was a bit too lazy making a post, but thankfully after the exams I had a full day working on the game which I've never done for awhile and I was able to finish a few things!


I was able to finish the shop now you are able to buy and sell items! for the save game system I decided to delay it until I'm finished with all the gameplay stuff I have in mind, one of the new ideas I implemented is moving enemies, its not finished but the idea is to make the enemies move around randomly and also you having attacks that have a set range, with this range and moving enemies you'll have chances to attack more than one enemy depending on the enemies movements.

Another cool thing I added that is finished is changing the placement of items in the inventory! It might seem a bit mundane and something that every game must have, but for me it was fun seeing how I was able to make something like that idk probably just me

And another thing I want to add to the inventory is an item description that shows you the description of the item by selecting the item and also some other things like what you can gain by using the item for example healing items and armor.

And one last minor thing I added was a button to interact with things like chests, shops and other interactable things.

For next week I want to change the UI to make it look cool and maybe add a double attack button!

  • ART

I didn't do much with art for these days but I did encounter problems with how the tile set will work, I've been playing around with using prerendered backgrounds they seem cool but idk which to go with.

If you have any advice please tell me. For the time being I'll just work with the tile set


I've released a new video showing these new features I mentioned, I'll also make new videos more frequently it might be about other games too so stay tuned for these!


Hopefully these new updates were a great additions to the game I'm very happy you guys continue to tune in on my posts I'll be finishing a lot of stuff with  weekly videos and more to come!

I hope to see you guys next week!

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