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Reaper of Immortals is out!

Reaper of Immortals
A downloadable game

Hey everyone!

I'm so happy to announce that finally after so much effort, dedication and passion, my game is live on one of the biggest gaming platforms in the planet! And to me this alone is a big achievement.

I started working on ROI in late 2018 and published it on the Android platform in April 2020, and after couple years and dozen game updates I decided to port it to Steam, I started working on the port in May 2022 and after so many sleepless nights, moments of despair, complete burnouts, existential crisis episodes mingled with dp/dr and depression, ROI is finally public!

I'm not expecting my game to sell hundreds of thousands of copies (one can dream tho!), however, I'm content for every copy sold, ROI for me is not just a game, it's a life experience that taught me to how to be a thankful, patient and overall a good person.

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