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Back at it!

Little Comic Shop Game
A downloadable game

So I took a couple of weeks off. Just real life getting in the way, more than anything!

Being a solo dev with a full time job, family and such is a lot of work BUT I have been working on the game for the past week, back at it as it were

I started on the idea of finishing a thing. SO, I picked the comic ordering system, which is pretty sizable considering the game is mainly focused on selling comic books

So I looked at the Main Page for the comic ordering computer screen, which needed a lot of work. I thought about it - going for a walk REALLY helps. I went for a nice long walk in the sun and came up with the main page concept

The Previews section now shows the new series, milestones, specials and (though you can't see it in the screen shot) the series that are ending. The idea is to have a real world feel to these comics, which means new series will come along, some will go. Cancelled series could be rebooted, or a brand new series be generated. These different concepts will have an affect on the customers' purchasing logic 

The Best Selling panels (along with more stats) is also a good indicator of comics that customers may be stirred towards.  Plus, I like seeing random stats in games, so some will be just for that. 

Working on this, well it meant a lot of rewrites. The system needed a lot of attention to make it less work down the road :) It's also led to much cleaner AND less code. This is a project that's primarily for fun and learning. 

The next step 

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