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First Post - Welcome and First Stage Release

A downloadable game for Windows

Hello Everyone!!

So with this post, the official first release of my project Combustible is out. And I'm happy with what I have achieved so far. This first release is meant as a general Proof of Concept for the game and gives me a base to build off of and make changes to. Now you may be wondering what a first-stage MVP is and I'm gonna do my best to give the rundown of it.

A first-stage MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is quite simple, What can I deliver as a developer to players that brings across the vision I wish to create for the game? What are the CORE components that my game needs in order to deliver the level of gameplay and fun that will entertain? Before I go into that though, let me give you an example of an MVP, I will use a classic example. Mario its gameplay can be condensed removing all the extra stuff that makes Mario... Mario, what is the core gameplay?  Well, Mario walks right, jumps on enemies and reaches the end to complete the level if he is hit by an enemy then he perishes and the player has to restart, This is what makes the core gameplay of Mario, What about the power-ups though? The classic mushroom unfortunately does not affect the core gameplay it merely enhances what's already there same thing with all the different enemies he has to fight, even Bowser can be seen as a glorified finish post.

So now that I have given an example that we are all familiar with, what does the core gameplay of my game look like? Well, the gameplay goal written from my Game design document states "The overall goal for the player is to survive for 30 minutes before their vehicle gains enough junk to build a ramming device that will break down the gate to the pit. Once the 30 minutes is up they can choose to leave the pit at any point or continue to face more enemies for a higher time. In order to survive and reach that goal though the player must defeat enemies to take their junk parts and then craft new weapons and parts for their vehicle to make them stronger." What can we identify from this to form our core gameplay? 

1. Player physics Car

2. An enemy to shoot at

3. Junk to collect from said enemy 

4. Use that junk to build a weapon

5. Use said weapon to kill more enemies and survive

All of these I made sure to focus on and develop the right systems for all so we have a great foundation to build off of. Improving these systems over time with player feedback will help make sure that anything we build on top of will still have that great fun gameplay.

Thank you guys for reading this if you got this far in the future I will talk about some of the plans I have for the game in the future and I will go into more detail on the systems I have for the core gameplay.


  • 28 MB
    Version 2
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