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Change logs

Bubble Flyer
A downloadable game for Android

Techical improvements:

  • Set UI scale mode to "Scale withy screen size" so the objects positions on canvas are the same on different screen resolutions
  • Did the similiar thing to most of the UI objects by setting the correct Anchor Preset.
  • Forced left landscape orientation so the game is not launching in portrait mode while being stretched ugly

Gameplay improvements:

  • Added second level with forest
  • Changed the behavior of the enemies in the forest level (falling acorns instead of spawning buses and brick walls)
  • Levels are now actually not infinite and can be passed by collecting 25 coins

Visual improvements:

  • Added different "Game Over" screens for each level
  • Added "Back" and "Back to levels" buttons so there is no need to restart the entire game if you want to select another level or go to the main menu
  • Added objective text that tells player what to do in order to complete the level. Also added short text under the objective to describe the controls in the game
  • Added coin counter in the top right corner of the screen so the player can see the progress
  • Added script for some text objects so they are slightly floating on the screen (makes it look more alive)((same to some backgrounds))

Sound improvements:

  • Added coin pickup sound
  • Added death sound (bubble pop sound)
  • Added bus spawn sound (in "City" level)
  • Added victory screen sound (confetti sound)
  • Added bubbles sound at the beginning of each level

Game was tested on 2 different devices:

  •  iPhone 13 (2532x1170) [IOS]
  • Samsung S20 Ultra (3200x1440) [Android]
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