Changelog v0.1.5
Posted June 11, 2023 by Tryliom
- Projectiles are now colored according to their weapon levels
- The cursor is reduced in menu
- Settings menu (only audio for now)
- Green heart effect when player is hit (explode into spikes that applies poison to enemies)
- Added a lot of new musics
- Support other screen ratio (other than 16:9)
- The spiky ball is fancier
- Make transitions faster
- Angry cloud boss pattern has been changed
- Golden pile boss pattern has been improved
- Shoot again mechanics has been greatly improved (Can shoot up to 7 times and have a little time between refires)
- Separate weapons cooldowns
- Rework some rooms
- Various graphical improvements
- Enemies will not commit suicide when they can’t found a path to the player
- Remove “E to pickup” displayed when upgrading a weapon
- Relic growing projectile was making growing projectiles with any type of collision
- Projectiles that have growth were keeping their size after destroy
- Relic Personal Holy Aura was not activated immediatly after being obtained
- The damage dealt when something touch another is static
- Relic Executionner has less chance to drop a heart (10% -> 5%)