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Nanite, Lumen and FPS

National Parks Tycoon 2023
A downloadable game for Windows

National Parks Tycoon Development News

* Rental Icon Added to top right indicators menu
* Large Cabin texture changes
* Sheep are back in so have some fun with breeding them
* When you close your park a fix is included to remove tourists from benches
* Speed improvements, lots more still to come
* weather on off now includes wind
* Tree growth code edited

For the past week ive been looking to find some issues with UE5 Nanite, Lumen and lack of speed with these systems. There are a lot of hidden tricks to gain speed and Im slowly working my way through them, for now a modest 10FPS gain has been found. Not everything is Nanite and Lumen and im also cleaning up my own code as well.Until I get a settings menu added you will just need to play it as I do which isnt ideal for some people but I will get the settings menu added soon. Obviously there are a lot of super high quality settings and at the moment Im trying to find a happy medium for my own machine as I develope the game. In the future expect reflections, way better shadows, shadow casting on path lights etc all to be optional.

Anyway, besides looking for frame rate improvements ive also sorted out some small UI issues and added back in sheep and sorted out some tourist issues. All in all Id say its a good weeks coding and Im happy with the progress. As always the updates will be included in the demo over the coming days.

The tree planter in the BUILD menu is experimental, you cant delete the tree planter once added so give it a try on a new map. So far tree planters only plant one type of tree, the Beech.

As for tree growth thats all now seperated out, so instead of all trees growing at once this is none done with each tree species growing one at a time. This is just to free up a bit of speed for other things as having them all growing at once per tile was a bit of a hit to the frame rate.


  • National Parks Tycoon PC Demo 2 GB
    Jul 03, 2023
Download National Parks Tycoon 2023
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