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Optimizations. DR4X Changelog #73 06/09/2023

A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Hey there, folks! Got a bit of an unusual timing for a changelog, you ask? Well, the thing is, I'm all set to visit my folks in Arkansas for the next week or so, and believe it or not, I'm the kind who likes to vacation without my computer. So, here I am, making sure I give you an update before I hit the road and unplug for a week!

Now, you might have picked up on something a tad different with the game lately. Feels a smidgen less clunky, right? Or in some rare cases, a tiny bit more clunky. The root of this? I rolled up my sleeves and completely rewrote the unit movement/attack/selection/cell state code to make it a whole lot more optimized - we're talking high-speed, turbocharged level here.

Sure, this revamp has brought a few minor new hiccups along for the ride - like tiles occasionally playing hard to get when they're supposed to be movable to. But on the bright side, it's ironed out several pesky bugs and made the game way faster and smoother to play now. So, I'd say it's a win overall!

None of these chnages are really "screenshottable" so nothing new in the header image of this changelog.
I'm still on my tycoon ark lmao

Gameplay and UI

-Optimized all the cell grid states (when building units, when moving units,when attacking, etc)

-You can now press enter to confirm when you rename units instead of having to click "okay" with your mouse.

-Optimized enemy unit advantage/disadvantage highlight code (Without breaking things!)

-New icon for tycoon buildings

-Added a pleasing little shake animation when something is attacked that scales based on damage done

-The material i use to render units and buildings is now gpu instanced which saves like 5-6 fps in some cases

-Packed all tiles into one sprite packer (was an attempt at optimization but I may actually need to make it one giant texture and rewrite my hex cell terrain shader)

-Tweaked my asynchronous scene loading code, those should all be a tad faster now

-Added icons in more spots (places I missed last update)

Things im not sure if were in last update.

-Added gambling halls to debauchery mission

-Updated gambling hall description

Bug Fixes

-Fixed continue anyway breaking when game ends on an enemies turn.

-Fixed continue anyway "goal" text, not being set.

-Fixed bug where swapping units via the button wasn't working

-Fix bug where game weirdly slow when units selected regardles of anything

-Fixed bug where you weren't able to attack tiles that had your unit on it, but also an enemy building (only really happened with the pqv grr)


-Nothing to report here (I did want to add some more tycoon functionality stuff but ran out of time)

YouTube Spotlight!

Play it and i'll probably post the video here next changelog!


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