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Progress Report #69: May 2023

A downloadable game for Windows

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to our first coverage of VoidBound for the month of June and we're especially giddy for this one as we've made fantastic progress, so sit back and enjoy!

Every amazing game needs a kick-ass cover. We will soon be unveiling our own amazing cover art for VoidBound that will eventually adorn various digital distribution platforms in the future! At this point, the image has been conceived and we have the first concept piece sketched out.

As part of our rebuilding of the game's introduction, we have several new maps sketched out to make the start of the adventure more akin to a mini dungeon with different layouts. This will give the start more personality to help engage players with the universe of VoidBound.

Meanwhile, the writers have started advance work on Clash Station- building up the personality of the friendly Contraxian denizens there who will help out Caly on the first quest that introduces the Station. Spot editing for Clash Station is also a priority to make sure the dialogue is punchy and not snooze inducing wordy.

Additionally, Vas's personality is now under review! The idea is to make sure that her personality is more fleshed out, both for the first time you meet her, and her future stories. She's a tough cookie, wild and unpredictable, but she still has a sweet and tasty side. Just don't tell her we said that.

As we've mentioned before, we're continuing work on the Quest Log. We know that it can be hard if players don't have a direction to continue the story. Fret not though, it remains our highest priority:

Right now, we're testing it out and ironing out any remaining issues and in the near future fully plan to dedicate an entire post to it once we've made significant progress.

Additionally, we are conceptualising the idea of letting some enemies throw objects during combats to add a new spin on some of Caly's foes. After-all, a good enemy is an enemy who learns and adapts!

And that our coverage for this one. Stay tuned thought as tomorrow we plan to release our latest patch 0.5.4c update to our wider support base! Ishan is a text book example of "don't judge a book by its cover", for he holds many a dark secrets behind his friendly demeanor!

Till then however, stay safe and take care!

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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