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Rulebook v0.12.1

Ignited TRPG
A downloadable game

Rulebook 0.12.1

  • New Sparkbond. A new mechanic for forging bonds with NPC planeswalkers and eventually be able to call on them for help in battle. 
    • Burnout changed to be Burnout X, where X is the amount of Spark needed to cleanse the Status.
  • Leveling now requires thresholds of EXP to be spent, instead of just spending EXP at all. These scale every 4 levels, up to level 20.
  • Fixes to some text errors

Ability Database

  • Bolt (Red) Command damage is increased to Xd12, where X is 5 plus your level.
  • Resurrection and Vitalysis Tier 2 effects buffed to grant +3 to Rekindle instead of +2

Sheets (Planeswalker Sheet 5.1 and GM's Sheet 1.1)

  • Planeswalker Sheet changed to include the EXP thresholds and fixed the Hidden import tab for the GM's Sheet
    • Changed the Formatting of the GM's Sheet to reflect this


  • Ignited-Rulebook-0.12.1.pdf 381 kB
    Jun 08, 2023
Download Ignited TRPG
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