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Behind the Tomb

Project Discovery
A downloadable game for Windows



In our Tomb  scene, we wanted to create a gripping and mysterious environment, specifically an alien tomb from an ancient civilization. To bring this tomb to life, we utilized 3D custom assets, focusing on creating a dark and thrilling atmosphere.

The process began with our team brainstorming ideas and concepts for the tomb. We aimed to evoke a sense of wonder and trepidation, ensuring players would be fully immersed in the otherworldly experience. After extensive planning and concept iterations, we moved on to the asset creation phase.

One of the most captivating aspects of the alien tomb was the incorporation of intricate puzzle mechanics. The lead programmer took the responsibility of designing the tomb around these puzzles, ensuring they were challenging yet solvable. The layout and architecture of the tomb were carefully crafted to accommodate these puzzle elements, offering players an engaging and thought-provoking experience as they navigated through the tomb.

Grid planning - Level 1:

Grid planning - Level 2:

Grid planning - Sections:

Grid planning - 3D iso views:

Our lead artists meticulously crafted 3D models of various elements for the tomb, including intricate architecture, ancient artifacts, and elaborate puzzle mechanisms. Each asset was designed with attention to detail, ensuring they fit seamlessly within the overall theme and aesthetic of the tomb.

Texturing and lighting was a crucial step in enhancing the atmosphere and visual appeal of the tomb. Our lead artist painstakingly applied textures to the assets using Substance Painter , carefully selecting colors, materials, and patterns that conveyed the ancient and mysterious nature of the tomb. By utilizing realistic and high-quality textures, we were able to immerse players in a world that felt authentic and captivating.

Brazier base completed in Houdini | textured in Substance Painter:

Brazier top completed in Houdini | textured in Substance Painter:

Brazier with particle FX:

Obelix completed in Houdini | textured in Substance Painter:

Pedestal completed in Houdini | textured in Substance Painter:

Alien artefact completed in Houdini | textured in Substance Painter:

Tomb scene in Unity:


Entering the second stage of our Tomb level design, we now shift our focus to enhancing the gameplay experience by implementing visual effects, audio themes, captivating sound effects and players' feedback.

New focal sculpture completed in Houdini | textured in Substance Painter:


We've completely revamped the Crypt layout to take the gameplay experience to an entirely new level!

🧩 A Puzzle in Every Corner:

Our testers spoke, and we listened! The new Crypt layout has been intricately redesigned to weave an even deeper connection between puzzles and the overarching narrative. Every corner of this crypt now holds a puzzle piece that's essential to unraveling the mysteries that lie ahead.

🏞️ Meaningful Design:

The new layout isn't just about aesthetics – it's about creating a meaningful environment that immerses you in the heart of the adventure. From the placement of cryptic symbols to the alignment of ancient artifacts, every detail has been carefully considered to enhance your connection with the narrative.

🔗 Tying Puzzles to Scenario:

Gone are the days of isolated challenges. With the revamped Crypt layout, each puzzle you solve is a step closer to unlocking the crypt's secrets and piecing together the grand puzzle that is the overarching scenario. Get ready to engage in a puzzle-solving experience that resonates with the unfolding story.



  • Project Discovery V1.1
    Jul 24, 2023
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