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Behind the Cave

Project Discovery
A downloadable game for Windows

For our Cave scene, we set out to create an unforgettable alien cave environment that would immerse players in a unique and captivating experience. To achieve this, we employed a combination of 3D assets from Megascans, custom-made assets, and Unity terrain tools to design a visually stunning and immersive cave.

To begin, we explored the vast collection of 3D assets offered by Megascans. We handpicked a selection of rocks, vegetation, and other geological features that suited the desired alien theme of our game. These assets provided a solid foundation for the cave's visual design, establishing a sense of realism and grounding in the environment.

To infuse the cave with a distinct alien feel, we seamlessly integrated custom-made 3D assets into the scene. Our lead artist crafted exotic alien flora, intricate crystals, and peculiar organic structures that harmonized with the Megascans assets. This fusion of pre-existing and custom assets allowed us to create a cohesive and visually captivating alien cave.

To further elevate the visual impact, we paid meticulous attention to texturing all assets. Each asset was carefully UV-mapped and assigned high-quality textures to bring out its unique characteristics. We employed a combination of hand-painted textures and procedural materials designed in Substance Painter to add depth, detail, and realism to the cave's surfaces. This meticulous texturing process ensured that every rock, crystal, and plant blended seamlessly, enhancing the overall visual fidelity and immersion.

To improve performance LODs (Level of Detail) were added to each 3D assets.

Alien tendrils completed in Houdini | textured in Substance Painter:

Alien flora 1 completed in Houdini | textured in Substance Painter:

Alien crystals completed in Houdini | textured in Substance Painter:

Alien ores completed in Houdini | textured in Substance Painter:


We have meticulously crafted a breathtaking tree, designed using the powerful Speed Tree software. This magnificent creation will serve as the hero piece in the final room of our Cave level! 

SpeedTree has proven to be an invaluable asset in our pursuit of creating realistic and captivating alien vegetation. With its robust features and intuitive interface, we were able to breathe life into our imagination and design plant life that goes beyond the realm of familiarity.

With SpeedTree's optimization tools, we were able to ensure that our vegetation not only looks stunning but also performs smoothly within the game world. The dynamic LOD (Level of Detail) system offered by SpeedTree allowed us to optimize performance while maintaining visual fidelity, creating a seamless and immersive experience for players as they explore these alien landscapes.

The tree holds symbolic significance within the game, representing growth, endurance, and the connection between the natural world and the mysteries that lie within the Cave. Its presence resonates with the overarching narrative and offers a moment of reflection before you embark on the next phase of your adventure.

Alien hero tree completed in SpeedTree:


In addition to the asset integration, we utilized the powerful terrain tools offered by Unity to sculpt and mold the cave's terrain. With these tools, we shaped the cave's interior, creating rugged pathways, uneven surfaces, and intriguing geological formations. This approach enhanced the cave's authenticity and provided players with an immersive and believable environment to explore.

Terrain iteration 1:


Exciting Cave Level Design Update: A New Direction Unveiled!

We've embarked on an incredible journey with our cave level design, and I'm thrilled to share the latest update. Through my explorations in Houdini, I stumbled upon captivating patterns that became the cornerstone of our terrain, profoundly shaping the entire cave design. Leveraging the power of Unity, our vision has truly come to life, and after countless iterations and experimentation, we have accomplished a level design that fills us with excitement.

These patterns have brought a unique aesthetic and an element of surprise to the environment, elevating the player's experience to new heights. The interplay between these intricate patterns and the core mechanics has given birth to a truly engaging gameplay journey.

With each iteration, we've pushed the boundaries, testing new ideas and mechanics. We wanted to create a level that would captivate players from start to finish, and through our relentless experimentation, we've succeeded. The integration of fresh and thrilling mechanics has injected a sense of wonder into the gameplay, challenging players to navigate the cave in ways they've never experienced before.

As we ventured further into the development process, the cave began to take shape in Unity. The convergence of visual and interactive elements has imbued the level with a palpable sense of immersion. We've meticulously fine-tuned lighting, colors, and environmental details to craft an atmosphere that draws players deeper into the cave's mysterious depths.

Throughout this transformative journey, we've remained committed to playtesting and receiving feedback. It has proven invaluable in refining our level design, ensuring that it strikes the perfect balance between challenge and satisfaction. We've listened attentively to the voices of others, incorporating their perspectives to deliver an even more polished and enjoyable gameplay experience.

We couldn't be more thrilled about the results thus far. The cave level we've crafted stands as a testament to our dedication and creative vision. We can't wait for players to explore its depths, unveiling its secrets, and immersing themselves in the adventure we've painstakingly constructed.

This update marks a significant milestone in our cave level design, and we're excited to continue refining and enhancing it. We're grateful for the opportunity to share this thrilling progress, and we eagerly anticipate the day when players will embark on this remarkable journey through our captivating cave level.

As we reflect on our journey through the final cave design, let's spotlight the challenges we encountered and the creative solutions we devised.

Optimization Hurdles: Our chief challenge was optimization. Heavy visual effects led to lag, hampering the experience. Future projects will benefit from early optimization strategies.

Navigation Puzzle: Navigating the complex cave layout demanded user-friendly solutions. We reshaped the layout subtly using textures, lighting, and tools like compasses and mini-maps.

Visual Guiding Lights: Visual effects became our allies in providing direction. These cues ensured players never felt truly lost, striking a balance between exploration and guidance.

Power of Iteration: The process reiterated the value of iteration. By refining our solutions, we fused aesthetics with practicality, delivering a compelling final design.

Conclusion: Our journey through the cave taught us that challenges are opportunities in disguise. Let's carry this mindset forward as we craft captivating experiences.

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