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General Project Update - Looking Towards The Future

Hello, everyone. Been a while. Sorry about that-- had some real-life things to take care of in May. They're taken care of now, for the most part, and I wanted to just update everyone on the project so far and its future. We are still working on a v.0.3 patch, but we're going to be deploying it a bit differently than last time.

Namely, we're going to be doing some private playtests, but I can't exactly give any dates for when they'd start. After that, the patch will be released alongside the announcement of the crowdfunding campaign for the full "Field Guide to Jovo" project. Again, I can't promise a date for when that will happen because I want to ensure that we have everything set and ready to go before we commit.

I'm also going to be getting a dedicated cover image for the Khepri Industrial Equipment content. While KIE is going to be part of the full Field Guide to Jovo, it is also intended to be somewhat stand-alone.

As for what the Field Guide will include, besides lore and GM content, the current player-facing content is:

  • All current KIE content, including the Frames, Alt Frames, Talents, and Core Bonuses
  • 2 new GMS Alts and a number of new GMS equipment
  • 1 new License and 2 Core Bonuses for each Manufacturer
  • A Number of New Talents

The current issue we're facing is, as happens with most of these things, project/scope creep. While we have some more Alt Frames and additional KIE content in the works, the difficulty lies between what should be a stretch goal and what should remain a part of the "core" content.  Addressing this feature creep is the current priority, along with the v.0.3 release. 

For GM content, we do want to release several new NPC classes that take advantage of the HiveMind, Eusocial, and Attachment concepts introduced in KIE, but that will require a lot of playtesting to ensure they're fun and engaging to fight. We're also working on a LL0-LL2 campaign (similar in length to Solstice Rain) which will introduce the general feel of Jovo, acting as an introduction to the different factions and groups on the planet.

In the meantime, I will try to get the tokens completed. It's something that completely passed me by, and for that I apologize.

See you all next time,

- Max

Download Khepri Industrial Equipment - An Unofficial LANCER Expansion (Field Guide To Jovo Prelude)
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