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Update V0.3.15 (Maneuver execution and Music!)

Oarc's Space Delivery Service
A browser game made in HTML5

The game as it stands is getting closer to completion (at least how far I can take it with my current skillset and budget). There have been quite a few updates recently and I've been trying to polish the game as much as I can. The major thing still missing are general audio sound effects. What is no longer missing is music! Much thanks to Gerald Buckfield! Check out the songs here:

The last major feature that I put off for awhile is now done. Maneuver nodes used to be magical over powered instantaneous changes to your ship's velocity and trajectory. Now they apply a limited amount of thrust every physics frame to simulate a more realistic "burn". As you increase the maneuver node's thrust vector, the node updates and tells you how long the node will execute for and you can see the predicted path update in real time. The ship also orients to face the correct direction and enables the thrust effects! This one introduced a lot of last minute complexity and edge cases so I'm sure there are some lingering bugs still out there...

Some gifs of maneuver execution:

Other than music and maneuver node execution, most of the work has been in finishing up the remaining embedded tutorial videos and polishing the UI and mission flow. I've added some camera transitions when dialog is referencing other celestial objects as well as the camera focusing on the maneuver node that is currently being edited. I'm hoping all these things make it easier for someone to pick up and play the game.

Next steps:

  1. More polish (A proper starting screen, options menu, audio effects, etc.)
  2. I'm getting some help with character portraits to add to the dialog screens!
  3. Try my hand at making a simple trailer for the game. Mostly as a learning exercise for myself.

More detailed change log notes below:

Version 0.3.15 (May 30 2023)

- [Major Change] Updated maneuver nodes to execute over a duration of time instead of instantly.
- [Major Change] Reorganized starting quests to involve getting into orbit before the south pole mission.
- Minor dialog updates
- Changed intercept UI to use an arrow instead of a confusing world space sphere.
- Added more embedded tutorial videos.
- Fixed several UI bugs with tooltips and alpha fading.
- Added indicator for currently selected ship control vector.
- Updated maneuver node icons.
- Added kepler orbit info in the bottom left of the screen.
- Fixed ship target UI hiding off screen, it hugs the border like other target indicator UI.
- Changed font.
- Fixed some underlying orbital math issues that blocked proper orbit validation for missions.
- Added some camera tutorial events to focus on targets like the space station and moon during dialog.

Version 0.3.9 (May 17 2023)

- Added music! (Thanks Gerald!)
- Updated to new nav icons (Thanks Mika!)
- Refined postman dialog
- Added first tutorial video as a test
Version 0.3.7 (May 10 2023)

- Swapped simple house for nicer warehouse model on home planet.
- Change intercept ghost to orange color and only show when hovering over the intercept marker. (Still a placeholder)
- Added simple background ambience sound loop for main planet.

Download Oarc's Space Delivery Service
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