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Super Galaxy Rugby
A downloadable game for Windows

Greetings, space rugby fans!

Welcome to another weekly update from our cosmic playground, where our talented team has been pushing the boundaries to polish our intergalactic sporting experience. Here's a glimpse into the progress we've made this week:

Akio, our Pad Blueprint specialist, has been hard at work infusing more life into the game. He implemented a captivating flickering animation for the pads, which adds an extra layer of excitement. When a team scores a goal, all the pads flicker with the victorious team's color, creating a dazzling display of celebration. Akio also dedicated time to modeling new pad bases, making it easier for players to locate hidden pads once they are submerged into the ground. Additionally, he added an indicator for the ball that stays on the ground even when it's thrown in the air, ensuring players always have a clear view of the game's dynamics.

Jef, our master of cameras, focused on enhancing the viewing experience. He worked diligently on camera functionalities, implementing various manipulations to capture the thrilling moments. Now, the camera smoothly fades in and out, pans during game start, follows the action, and zooms in on goal moments, intensifying the gameplay experience. Jef also revamped the transition back to the main menu after a game ends and added a starting throw force, allowing for more precise gameplay control.

Jerke, our master of visual effects, has been harnessing his creative powers to bring mesmerizing visuals to our space rugby game. Utilizing hand-drawn sprite sheets, he has skillfully crafted stunning visual effects that add an extra layer of excitement. From the captivating wormhole effect that transports the balls to new dimensions, to explosive displays that intensify the action, Jerke's artistry immerses players in a visually spectacular experience. Notably, when a team scores, a dynamic "GOAL" effect lights up the screen, celebrating their victory in a blaze of glory.

Arne, our dedicated bug-squasher, has been hard at work eliminating the remaining pesky space bugs. With each bug crushed, the gameplay experience becomes smoother and more enjoyable. Arne also modified the character selection functionality, empowering players to choose their preferred character for a personalized gameplay experience. To enhance the user experience even further, he added more sound effects to the menu, ensuring a seamless and engaging journey for all players.

Martijn, our visual enhancement specialist, has been refining the visual aesthetics of the game. He spent his time polishing the menu screen, creating a visually appealing and inviting entrance for players. In addition, Martijn revamped the player selection screen, vividly showcasing the two competing sides that will engage in the thrilling arena. These minor yet impactful visual enhancements heighten the competitive spirit and draw players deeper into the game.
To enhance clarity and reinforce the competitive nature of the game, he implemented a fresnel shader for both the characters and the ball. This ingenious addition ensures that players always have a clear understanding of their team affiliation and remain visible throughout the entire game, eliminating any confusion in the heat of the action.

Last but certainly not least, we are excited to announce the arrival of our dedicated credits scene. This special addition pays tribute to the hard work and dedication of our team. Now, every player exploring our game will have a chance to see the names of those who contributed to this exciting project.
We're thrilled with the progress we've made this week as we continue to refine and enhance our space rugby game. Stay tuned for more updates as we rocket towards the mysterious planet!

May the stars guide you to victory!


  • 217 MB
    May 22, 2023
Download Super Galaxy Rugby
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