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Devlog v1.0

Hats Off!
A downloadable game for Windows

Devlog 1.0


The join screen officially works now, the game can't be started if not all the players are ready. We can now also go back to the main menu from the join screen.  The game over screen also works completely, now it will also show the correct winner for when the timer runs out, here we can also navigate with the controller. 

If a player gets shot now we get a visual representation of how long the player is invulnerable, the player will flicker red until it can be shot again. 

We also changed the visual cue for when the powered hat gets activated. 

Other than that there were also some bug fixes for example there was an issue where hats would stay in the air on flat places, this should mostly be resolved by now, also when a player picked up a powered hat while having a power active the slider didn't get reset this is also something we prevent now by denying the player access to another hat while being powered up. 

Also, some tweaking has been done to the probability of the hat spawn, because there are fewer powered hats now we had to alter this, also the time for a hat to stay on the ground has been increased. 

Among the other aforementioned changes, the following features have been added and challenges tackled:

  1. A bug in which players were able to join while a game was in progress has been fixed
  2. The time until a hat which has fallen hence despawns has been tweaked and increased
  3. IFrames after a player gets shot have been fixed and the duration increased
  4. The indication that a player has IFrames (red flashing) now accurately follows the duration of the IFrames
  5. Players can now go back to the main menu from the join screen by pressing (B/Circle)
  6. When a player dies, the camera switches to follow in front of them as they run off-screen
  7. The freeze bullet of the Ushanka hat now has a nice effect added (other VFX in progress!)
  8. The bullet trail for the sniper hat has been improved
Freeze bullet's new particle effect


Polished  the HUD, changed the controls screen

This week added some small changes to the environment, adding some rocks and sandpiles to make the plane not that plain. Including putting some of the unused powered hats on the cacti.

Aside from that changed a bit in composition e.g. crates are more together so bullets won't clutter together in small spaces because of the ricochet.

Also extended the train track and placed some rocks and cacti on both sides on a new ground plane.

Started to work on the animation for the train that will be used for the winning screen. The animation works after the dozen of issues Maye decided to give me. Though it isn;t applied yet in the project because of a small mistake on my end but this will be fixed  asap. Then only the camera change will be needed to finish of that togheter with the smoke emited by the locomotive.

In the game, we now have sound! Both the Title menu and the game music have been added. Alongside that, we also have small SFX. 
The player now makes noise when being hit, however, there still is some small delay in the sound and the hit itself. The buttons also have a hovering and clicking SFX.

Currently, the main issue with the sound is that the Title music sometimes carries over to the Gameplay scene.


  • 42 MB
    May 22, 2023
Download Hats Off!
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