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Demo update 0.0.7

Turn By Turn Villain
A downloadable game for Windows

- More balancing tweaks and stats adjustments for enemies.

- You now start with 50 TP.

- Getting a first strike no longer gets you a free hit at battle start but it allows you to choose your first action without using a TP.

- Added a new status for Goonther: Break will disable your physical attacks for 3 turns.

- QoL change: pressing Start or T will now toggle the HUD on/off for those who prefer having HP, TP and Shards of Light displayed on screen at all times.

- TP die can no longer be used in battles.

- Bug fix: the Angry Oyster could sometime stop attacking after inflicting Slow. Now it will no longer re-apply Slow if it is currently on.

- Changed the animation for defeating enemies in Star Power invincibility mode. Also made it last longer due to the enemy respawn rate reduced.


  • Turn By Turn Villain 104 MB
    May 22, 2023
Download Turn By Turn Villain
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