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The Odd Person Out Syndrome in Goblyn Market and Curses!

Goblyn Market
A downloadable game

Optional Accords for Goblyn Market: Article I

Playtesting is in full swing for future products (and seeing if current ones need updating!) for Goblyn Market. We had another full table of four players including two newbies to the system whose only background in RPGs was Star Wars and Dungeon ‘and Dragons. One thing that consistently surprises me is how quickly new players pick up the system. Quote of the month;

“I feel like you made this game exactly for me!” -St. Mary

Engineering a Solution

Every affair begins with an attraction where the Coterie of the Moon doles out tasks for the players. Which in turn makes the characters indebted to the market. Being indebted begets a feeling of ownership and instills purpose during squabbles. But, what if you don’t have a mission? 

Normally only three are available. If there are more players than assignments; someone misses out on gaining bonus starting currencies and avoids being indebted. Which is a good thing! But, what my playtesters have discovered is it also really lowers the characters direction. The gameplay is still fun. However, without having the same amount of risk as the other players it can feel like they have been cheated or just don’t feel like as much of the team.

To sidestep any emotional ennui, we are introducing an optional accord title: the Engineer. A new profession sprouted from the fertile earth of Victorian Era technologies and transportation. Deemed a motley bunch of artisans and folks of science. They laced up the corset of the Old World with locks, tunnels, and railroads. Literally keeping humanity on track.

If a player does not choose one of the debts directly tied to a Primacy, they become an Engineer and gain the following:

  • +1 bane, boon, and secret
  • Blaze Trail: Once per affair assign the Ringleader during the Squabble
  • Cannot become the Ringleader
  • If ANY of the debts are not completed by the end of the affair they gain a debt to the Empress

Now, players without a specific debt are highly motivated to help finish ALL of the tasks. It is possible for a character to be inflicted with two debts from the Empress from a single affair. And then off to the dream mines with you!

Not Enough Curses

During the most recent playtesting I don’t think I’ve laughed as hard or as often because of curses. Or rather the sheer absurdity of multiple curses at the same time. During a particularly bad stretch of dice rolling three different folks were meowing, tittering, and talking in the third person. It was hilarious. It was also the closest the party came to hitting the 20-minute mark during a city scene.

Things got repetitive quickly as more folks blundered their way through actions. It was something I always had in the back of my mind that an expanded table is needed for curses. I mean, burdens have 30 different options and they happen much less often. So, this week I’m going to put together a longer d100 list of curses for a more varied gameplay experience. Not all of them will have been play tested (I think I’ve tried around 35 different curses?)

While I’m working on that project it occurred to me, I’ve put together some quick reference guides that really help the escort along with character sheets. Nothing is fancy as of yet but I want everyone to have access to some play aids. I cannot stress how much using a map of the city for the affair has helped the players. This week a neon pink cowboy hat was used to denote the Ringleader!

Character Sheets

Goblyn Market Handouts – Google Sheets

Example ‘Map’ for the A Stirring of Eddies affair now for sale at and rpgdrivethru!

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