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Solo+ Rules Update

Hints and Hijinx
A downloadable Creator's Guide

Hints and Hijinx now supports making and designing multiplayer games! The classic solo rules are untouched, but we have added a new creator’s guide: “Hints and Hijinx Solo+”.

Make mysteries using the same complication/clue/deduction mechanics that make Hints and Hijinx so wonderful, but now with many tweaks and improvements to make multiplayer, campaign-style gameplay possible. Still with copy/paste rules, and a quick list of where you need to make tweaks to make the mystery your own!

  • Designed for multiplayer with a traditional Guide/Player combo, but still supports solo play.
  • The number of skills is increased from 2 to 6.
  • Skills are rolled in pairs, summed, and compared against the value of two drawn cards (Ace =1, King = 13)
  • Beaten cards are collected by players can be used for benefits.
  • We’ve introduced Stress as a health mechanic.
  • Determination mechanic grants new abilities to players as Stress increases, at a cost.
  • Actions are specific moves players can take with dedicated outcomes
  • There is a free flow between locations and dealing with complications now, rather than the simpler ‘visit one location, solve one complication”.
  • Moving between locations is done with the Travel Action, with possible bonuses or negations while a montage of travel plays out.
  • Each location has a complication/event table, instead of a shared complication table.
  • Gathering a Clue and Understanding it are two different steps.
    • Understanding a Clue takes you to a table of leading questions the player can answer about the mystery. The split is optional in your own game. Simply remove the Understand action and Clue Question table.
  • Players still determine the end game by writing their Hypothesis together.


  • Hints and Hijinx - Alt Formats and 9 MB
    May 20, 2023
  • Hints and Hijinx Solo+.pdf 270 kB
    May 20, 2023
  • Hints and Hijinx.pdf 193 kB
    May 20, 2023
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