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Devlog #13 - Introducing Purchasing From Traders

Heavenly Merchant
A downloadable game for Windows

Devlog Update - Introducing Purchasing From Traders

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our game development: the implementation of allowing players to purchase items from traders. In this devlog, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of this new feature, highlighting the mechanics, interactions, and its impact on gameplay.

Ability to purchase from traders:

We have introduced a dynamic item trading system that allows players to buy items from traders. Here's a breakdown of how the item trading process currently works:

  1. Interacting with Traders: Approach a trader character within the game world to open the trader's inventory and reveal their stock and item prices. Traders have random items that are generated every 30 seconds and upon game start equipped which are available to be purchased.
  2. Buying Items: When interacting with a trader, players will view the trader's unique inventory and can purchase any items they wish that the trader owns. Simply by right-clicking on the desired item to proceed with the transaction.
  3. Sufficient Currency Check: Before finalizing the purchase, the game checks if the player has sufficient currency to afford the selected item. If the player has enough currency, the purchase can proceed smoothly and the item is added to the player's inventory. However, if the player's currency is insufficient, a message will be displayed, indicating that the player cannot afford the item at the moment.
  4. Transaction Completion: If the player has sufficient currency, the selected item is removed from the trader's inventory and added to the player's inventory. 

Enhancing Gameplay Depth:

The addition of item trading with traders brings depth and richness to the game experience. Here's how it enhances gameplay:

  1. Strategic Decision-Making: As players explore the game world, they will encounter different traders with unique inventories. Deciding which items to purchase based on their current resources, goals, and gameplay strategies becomes an essential strategic choice.
  2. Currency Management: Managing currency becomes crucial as players need to balance their spending on items that provide value and advantages in the game. Players will need to weigh the benefits of acquiring new items against the cost and availability of currency as well as depending on the state of different cities, towns and villages and the overall state of the kingdom and world.
  3. Dynamic Economy: With the inclusion of item prices and currency limitations, the in-game economy becomes dynamic and responsive to player interactions. Item availability and prices may vary, which will create an immersive and ever-evolving trading environment.

In conclusion, the introduction of purchasing items from traders marks a significant milestone in our game's development. In the future, players will be able to engage in dynamic trades, expanding their influence and status, whilst strategizing their approach to gameplay.

Stay tuned for future devlog updates as we continue to introduce new features, refine existing mechanics, and address any additional issues that may arise. Thank you for joining us on this thrilling adventure!

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