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Progress Report #66: May 2023

A downloadable game for Windows

Hail Voidseekers,

Time for a short progress update!

Yes, it's turning out to be a bit of a light month, but we promise, we'll absolutely make it upto you soon! For now though, the highlights of the week!

With the first of the new planned Ends for the Slime Chronicles now squared away in the hands of the writers, the artist has begun work on the second abrupt ending of Caly's adventure- this time at the hands of the opposite faction!

The Henosian Defence Force might claim to be the hand of law and order, but just like any other organization, they too aren't beneath the base instincts of being vindictive, especially to those who run afoul their plans. Their latest victim? A certain gun slinging engineer who bit more than she could chew.

So, what flavor of hell awaits her this time? Well, it's a bit hard to say right at this point. Unlike the architect plans that were drawn around the first bad ending, a different approach is being exercised for this one. In order to cut time and make things more efficiently streamlined, the team has forgone the "CGs first, text later approach" and instead decided to work in tandem, building both artistic and textual pieces together. Hopefully, it works out, as we aim to put out Voidbound's next update relatively soon!

Finally, happy days our coder hath returned from his journey! Well, he barely landed a few hours ago, but we're informed that a good chunk of work was tackled over the last few days so it seems there is little to worry as goals remain on track. Quest Log development especially is turning into a bit of chore that frequently saps life force of those who dare to work on it. For fans who are new and may have missed it or just might have forgotten, this is the QuestLog sample in production:

And this is our report for this month! Next week, hopefully the trickle of content info increases as we make further progress(fingers & toes crossed). But till then, take care and we'll see you in the next one!

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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