is community of indie game creators and players


First Version Released

Space Cleanup
A browser game made in HTML5

Today is the first day of my game being launched to the public! Yay. I've put in a lot of work to make the game. One of my best friends (@happyghost_fren on Instagram) made the art work--credited in the Credits section in-game. 

Some features are not done yet. Saving is a prototype feature and not complete. The store currently is not functional. Personal high-scores are currently in the works, but not implemented yet. 

Other features currently planned for the game include: skins, power-ups, maybe a leaderboard. I will be looking into the prospect of adding all of these things into the game, in the future. Also some visual changes, adding more varieties of asteroids and metal scraps and making stars for the background. Music is also a WIP. We have a few songs included in the game, but currently there are not functional. I am working on getting that working. For now, Spotify or YT Music or Apple Music will have to do. 

UPDATE: I uploaded a web version of the game. It might not work 100% of the time or it might be laggy. I'm trying to address all those issues, so if you have a comment, message me or comment.

UPDATE 2: I added touch support to the game 


  • 15 MB
    May 17, 2023
  • 16 MB
    May 17, 2023
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