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Happy Juniper Day! (Summer Update Part 1)

Juniper's Garden
A browser game made in HTML5

Happy Juniper Day, everyone~!

Today is Juniper's birthday, so you know what that means... Time for another update! Quite a bit has changed in this update, so let's go over everything. We'll ditch the boring list this time and just briefly explain everything that's new.

Firstly, we added a transition effect when going into and out of different parts of the game, like the menu, main game levels, and the win and lose screens.

We also added another new enemy type, because what's an update to Juniper's Garden without a new enemy~? The water pea is an early game ranged enemy that shoots slow moving water blasts towards your current location.

We also added another new mode, Juniper's Birthday Bash! This has quite a lot of new things, which we'll cover briefly.

A new map! Juniper's Birthday Bash takes place on a beautiful beach, where Juniper can relax and soak up some rays... Or so she thought. Seems like all the enemies from the other modes want to ruin her birthday party, but you're not gonna let that happen, right?

New music! We also added the first full music track to the game. It might sound a little off right now, but in the future the track will be remastered to better represent what we want the game to sound like.

Heart Tulips! The Heart Tulip is a friendly plant that heals Juniper when she walks near it. They spawn randomly around the garden map, and at the very top of the beach map. Be careful though, flower's don't grow in winter (Or fire)...

There's also been a few tweaks to some systems, such as the options menu and a couple of other minor changes.

We hope you really enjoy this update, and as always, there's more to come~! This is only part one of the caves and cliffs summer update we had planned, so we hope you'll stay tuned for the second half later this summer. That's all for now, and thanks for your continued support~!


  • Juniper's Birthday 31 MB
    May 15, 2023
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