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Progress Update, 80%ish

Unraveling August
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted on here. I promise I'm hard at work on the game (and I'm pretty active on Discord.) Honestly, I just wanted to wait until I had the next update ready to post something since I thought it wouldn't take me all that long. Clearly, I was mistaken about my internal timeframes, so I figured any update was better than nothing in case you aren't in the discord server.

I'd say the update is probably 80-90% ready to go at this point. It's difficult to curb my desire to just chuck something out now to prove I'm actually doing something, but 0.1 taught me to really triple check and think about things before I threw them out into the world forever, so that's what I'm doing.

Anyway, that's what I've got right now, though I should have something more substantial for you soon. As always, thanks to all the magnificent people who've supported me on here or Patreon or anywhere else!

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