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Split Screen by Whitaker

Party Panic!
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello, and welcome back!
Today we will be discussing how I set up 4 player split screen which certain screens displaying an AI character. First off it took me a while to just get the split screen to display properly. You need to make sure to create a local play for each character that will need its own screen. However, when you do that and press play, all characters that are AI controlled will have their camera locked in a random position in the world. Needless to say, that is not the best way to keep track of a player!

The solution I found was a familiar node called Add View Target with Blend. I used this to originally make an overhead camera for arena style levels. However, with a little tedious tweaking I was able to set up 4 cameras to use this node to follow each player individually. Using this and a bool that keeps track of which characters are AI or not I was able to mimic a 4 player split screen that created a following camera for AI and use the player camera for non AI players. This opens up so many possibilities for new mini games! Updates to come.

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