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Version 1.0.01

Simple Merfolk
A downloadable game for Windows

Released version 1.0.01 with some minor tweaks.

Bug Fixes

  • Some event log text wrongly thought merchants were hunters in addition to the hunters. This has been fixed and you'll actually see merchants making some form of impact.
  • Removed a leftover debug log. It didn't affect performance because this game is a step above simple prototype. But still, good coding and all that.
  • Fixed a big error with loading where village score and population were flipped. Now you won't suddenly have 100's of villagers when there are only two on screen.

Balance Fixes

  • The winning village score has been lowered to 800 so it's not so lofty.
  • Hunters and Farmers get significantly more food. Hunters now gather 333% more food and Farmers gather 700% more food. Now maybe merpeople won't starve.
  • Villagers have less chances for kids. Now maybe they won't starve everyone out of house and home.
  • Merchildren can start working at 13. Child labor is bad, but when you have to survive, you have to survive.
  • Merchildren are automatically made workers at 13 for QoL purposes.

New Features

  • Villager bios will now display the parents, but only for children born to the village. It's not our business to invade the privacy of those who immigrate to the village.


  • Simple Merfolk 40 MB
    May 11, 2023
Download Simple Merfolk
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