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Devlog 9: Throwin'!

Hot Potato
A downloadable game for Windows

Hey, glad to see you're still here!

Since next week is the last week of our second sprint we're doing our best to make sure everything that needs to be in the game by the end is in, even if it looks a bit, um, underwhelming. We'll fix it in polish! :) 


We're now fixing up the base models and textures we put in last week, adding the visual changes necessary and making tweaks to the level layout. We discussed collision and how to mae sure the level feels nice to play and also making our invisible walls make sense by blocking off areas with objects. Here's a little snapshot of the updated level blockout:

We now have different colored carrots! Easier to tell who now when everyone is flying around the level.

Throwing people around.

this  week was a bit chaotic we all thought we had more time during the weekend then we ended up having. However work had to be done but one of our programmers fell ill the day before and thus some work had to be taken over. We ended up getting the picking up and throwing mechanic somewhat working. Somewhat? What do you mean somewhat. Well the picking up works technically but the picked up player is having a though time actually staying above the character holding him. it's working but it's struggling a bit. However the throwing works fine when the pick up allows for it. We think some minor tweaks in the right places will end up solving that issue soon after today's weekly report. 

But ye as you can see you can yeet your friends around now!!

A new danger on the counter!!

That's right!! The programmers have been cooking up a new danger that will emerge on the counter top soon! It is still in production currently but once implemented you will be able to bully you're carrot friends from a distance. The idea will be that a player can turn on the stove  burning any carrots that are in the danger zone. outside this we have been working hard on the picking up and throwing. It took us by surprise how complicated it would be to implement this onto our ragdoll but now that we have most of that we can focus on our final features we are implementing.

So this is our last production week?

Yup this is it, our last production week. After this week we will no longer implement any new features and instead focus on polishing what we have. This is our last chance to add anything new and we will try to use this time to add what we definitely need. So watch as we stress out and scramble to finish this production on a high note! Come back next week to see what our final features we will be adding are and read on what we are planning to polish in the following weeks, see you then!!


  • 35 MB
    May 09, 2023
Download Hot Potato
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