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Building Scripts

Canary Island
A browser game made in HTML5

So I found built an imported almost Sprites and I have almost all of my scenes ready so now I'm under the task of programming all the scripts and variables.
I found this process really fun and rewarding. Started out by writing a list of all of my Global variables and setting them to False these were things like cap found, radio found, Professor complete etcetera.
I had these setup from the very first game screen I knew that as soon as a character had had an important conversation with want my actors I was able to just set up variable to true and I'll be true across-the-board.
Process really intuitive and fun and it was exciting to demo the programming I just set up and be able to see it working in real-time.
Here are some screenshots of the interaction with the professor who's very excited to discover that the main player is in fact a robot and has the consciousness of a human inside of her. 

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