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Postmortem and post-jam bug fixes

My Flavor(ite) Kidnapper
A downloadable game for Windows, Linux, and Android

This jam was wild, it was my first (successful) jam and also my first actually finished game, lots of first times. I lived for this jam, waking up straight to the game and working on it until late at night. I was planning lots more for the jam version but didn't manage to do it all, but still, I'm very happy with the result of the jam and will participate in the next one for sure.

I was planning on adding sound but kept leaving it to do later, and in the end, I didn't add it, So what was learned is: don't neglect sound and try to finish the main play loop as soon as possible so you can play test it. I think my scope was ok, but still, next time I'll try to keep it as down as possible, although it wasn't as big, there were lots of things I planned and didn't manage to make.

After some much-needed rest I finally had time to playtest the game, although there weren't many bugs there were some huge game-breaking ones, finally, now it's (mostly) everything fixed. I plan to keep working on it, so stay tuned if you liked it.

Changelog - v1.1 - post jam fixes (06/05/2023)

  • You can now kidnap people in any order (before continuing to the next level you needed to kidnap people in the exact order shown to you, hopefully, this makes the game easier)
  • Buttons and speech bubbles now scale from the center instead of the side
  • Fixed a bug where the game crashes upon finishing all levels
  • Got rid of the “Exit” button on the web browser version (it just crashes the game). It will still be present in the desktop version
  • Changed some text to make the instructions more clear, and also fixed mistakes and typos
  • Speech bubbles now properly resize to fit text when clicking to skip typing animation
  • Fixed a bug where you could skip a customer without either giving ice cream nor kidnapping them

Changelog - v1.2 (09/05/2023)

  • Fixed a bug where as long as you kidnap the required personalities you can kidnap as many people as you want (I overlooked it while fixing the first bug related to kidnapped people)

Remaining known bugs

  • For reasons I don't know some characters are missing in the web version (please send help if you know what is happening)
  • The collision of some buttons is offsetted, I didn't figure out why (it's quite minimal, you can play it fine, and hopefully, most players won't even notice it)


  • my flavorite kidnapper - web 9.1 MB
    May 06, 2023
  • my flavorite kidnapper - web - 9.1 MB
    May 10, 2023
  • my flavorite kidnapper - linux -
    May 10, 2023
  • my flavorite kidnapper - windows - 26 MB
    May 10, 2023
Download My Flavor(ite) Kidnapper
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