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Final Journey update Week #3

Final Journey
A downloadable game

Hey guys I'm back with a new post!

  • ART

This week I wasn't able to finish a lot because of college tho I was able to do a bit of sprite work, I was able to  make some adjustments to Jacob's sprite tho idk which is better I might combine the designs like for example only take out the scar on his eye, but idk what do you guys think? which is better? I also made a prototype sprite for body armor which will be shown in the inventory system.


Now back to programing I was able to add a few things like a defense stats and some bug fixes.

For the defense stats its your normal RPG defense stats where it would lessen the amount of damage you take from enemies this is also a stepping stone for another mechanic which is the Armor System which is equipping armor to the player, there is another mechanic I would like to add which is to use items from the inventory!

That and more like a Shop System and a Save System, hopefully most will be finish this week or after and with that I want all the gameplay stuff to be finished this month!


 For this week I won't post a youtube video, but I'll be able to post one on WEEK #4, also thank you so so much for the support on the video yesterday I was able to get 76 views in one day which is amazing!! I'm happy all of you have enjoyed the video and I would love to hear your thoughts on the game in the coming videos and posts!


I have some ideas for the battle system like maybe adding double attacks like the ones in chrono trigger and also I would want to release a demo for the game this year so that you guys can play the game and tell me your opinions on it. I would like to also make more posts and videos after I finish my finals since I'll have a lot of free time so expect a lot of posts, videos and updates starting from July!


Well thats it for today I'm sorry if this weeks post is a little disappointing but hopefully next week will be much better! Well thank you guys for reading my posts and I'll see you next week!

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