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weekly update for my neon roguelite#1(first enemy design)

neon roguelite
A downloadable game

Hello everyone to another devlog the next one will take 2 to 3 weeks as I have my finals in the next 2 weeks so Idt that I will be able to work that much,enough about that let's get into it:

first ,I finished everything I had planned for this week, I have an idea for the game's story, worked on the weapon switching system and added an enemy.

For the enemies , for the first level they will be simple ,one that follows and hits the player , a kamikaze enemy shown in the first 2 gif, and a stationary one to act like a turret.

as for the weapon switching system, you can use weapon abilities to overlap over other abilities, such as stopping time with the the timegun(name will change this is what i have for now as example) and shooting with the laser pistol.

for the next 2  to 3 weeks , since I have a lot less time I will try to work as much as I can without sacrificing from studies,

so here is what I will try to do:

- add the other enemies in the game

-Make the weapon spawns weapon crates that are relatively rare with ammo crates.

-add some more ui elements.

Also after my exams I will start posting on youtube and tiktok and instagram some videos to help with the devlogs as reading is very boring.

thank you again for reading this and I will see in the next one. 

(ps : please give me your feedback through comments as that would help me with making a better game)

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