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A Watched Game Never Publishes

Goblyn Market
A downloadable game

We’ve all heard the old idiom ‘A watched pot never boils’. Well, the same applies to tabletop rpg games! Last weekend I participated in a charity ‘fun’ run/walk lugging a five year old in a wagon (a shockingly short distance before she decided to join the res of us plebes on foot). She ran most of the way and was the star of our team by a long shot. Whereas myself still need tons of salt in my baths and ice on my lower back. The rest of the trip was a three day excursion into science centers, various pasta restaurants, and getting to see a lion face-to-face for the first time at the zoo.

But a curious thing happened while I was getting away from my computer for the first time in just over a year. I received two emails. I don’t get ANY emails besides bills anyway. There they sat. Nestled next to each other between electricity and daycare notices. A cozy pair bursting with promise and finality.

To wit:


Goblyn Market - Devil in Old Smoke Session I: An Introduction - YouTube

The final cover piece for approval before being sent to publishing and every session edited we did for the live actual play. KickStarter backers should be getting their pdf versions later this week from Gamenomicon and the physical copies from RPGDriveThru…well, how ever long it takes for them to send them out! As of this writing it states three to five weeks but ‘everyone’ on the internet seems to think only a couple weeks for the lower 48. Far be it for me to question the wisdom of crowds. 

I will set up the pdfs for sale to non-backers the same time backers receive their physical books on Paroxysm by Design - page.

I can’t thank everyone enough for their patience, involvement, and overall good vibes during this process. That isn’t to say I have been sitting on my laurels since I put my pen down for Goblyn Market back in December. I have finished writing two thirds of a trilogy of adventures for BOTH Goblyn Market and Party First: Twilight War Edition. I am finishing up a Mutant City Blues case file that of course…turned into a trilogy.

The Goblyn Market Harbinger trilogy will be available through Paroxysm by Design. My personal tiny publishing company through itch. The first one will be available as soon as I feel comfortable with Affinity Publishing! I already have a mock-up but I want to make sure all me i’s are dotted and what not. My goal is end of next week if not sooner.

The Party First Project Morning Star trilogy will be available through Gamenomicon in the upcoming months.

The MCB campaign is a little in limbo waiting for open source to kick in or some other agreement to happen. I may release it as system agnostic if the updates don’t happen by the end of the year.

Until then, may all your secrets remain so!

Download Goblyn Market
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