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Devlog 11 - Lovely Art, Horrible Maths

A downloadable game

Disclaimer - These devlogs are part of a University assignment that Styx is being developed for, so please forgive any stilted wording or weird inclusions!

STYX Devlog #11

For a reminder of what the game is about, see Devlog #1 here.

What's new for STYX?

It's been a while since the last devlog! We can thank my dissertation module for that - you can play the little platformer I made for my project on video game achievements here. It's nothing special, but it does have crabs. Please don't take that out of context.

This devlog's title isn't strange clickbait - there's some lovely art to show off, and dodgy maths to sweep under the rug. Most terrifyingly, another deadline is on the horizon, so you'll likely see these devlogs become more panicked as we get closer to... Tuesday. Gulp.

The big purge when we last worked on the project means things won't be TOO bad, but there's still a lot to do - it's being chipped away at, with varying degrees of coding success, and varying bedtimes.


  • Added the lovely-looking ship sprites and gave them collision
  • Coded harpoon guns, somehow stayed sane
  • Sorted out sprites' pixel-per-unit sizes and suffered the consequences
  • Gave enemies health bars
  • Added a visible cooldown progress bar to the crossbow
  • Magically made the river look rapid while everything actually stays static
  • Had a banger idea for a tutorial - hoping to show it off soon!


We've all been too panicky about our dissertations to stick to a strict sprint schedule, but have been making OK progress regardless. I'll readily admit I could've planned better or done bits of work here and there, but find it's easier to focus on one thing at a time. With five days between us and the deadline, I hope to hit the ground running and have something playable soon - even if the best is yet to come.

Going Forward

Similar to last time, I'm eager to get into a playable state ASAP. To that end, I'll be working on:

  • Adding obol systems
  • Adding cooldown progress bars to naval weapons
  • Getting us back into a proper sprint structure

Thank you for reading devlog #11!

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