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Devlog - 2Weeks

Allie: Witch of Darkness
A browser Allie made in HTML5

Here is my "Game Design Document", which is just a .txt where i kept track of some notes and what progress i did on what day, and how long i worked on that day (Not everything included, like smaller bug fixes or redoing some sprites)



Title Ideas: WitchForth, My Ally is A Lie, Allie

(Scrapped) Idea: 

powerful villain that you cant beat

doesnt have physical body

villain and hero accidently fall into a large dungeon

you need to team up with the villain so you dont die

will give player temporary strength using lightrays

also gives the player weaknesses, tries to sabotage player sometimes

villain needs the player but also doesnt want the player to get too strong when getting out

lightrays can also empower smaller enemies against villains choice

game can be played while avoiding light, but makes clearing the dungeon harder, but also makes the bossfight at the end easy

but if the dungeon is cleared easily by using light a lot, the bossfight will be harder

(Villain fight and narrative still planned for full game, but couldnt fit into the jam result)

Possible rule imbedement:

player starts floating when in a lightray

ability to toggle the lamp you have

pure talent in the way that no randomized stuff, more about strategy

game details:

top down, pixelart, in abandoned dungeon area, boss fight, strategy, linear

Game functions:

after staying in light for a bit you get empowered, start floating, the more you stay the stronger you get for that duration,

but you also get more debuffs for the longer you stay and the more you rely on it.

point and click target system onto enemies

lamp that follows you around and points out dangers in the form of shining a light on them.


DAY 1(Wednesday): 7 hours

Look for Concept Art

Plan Idea

Made Player Sprite

Made Zambi Sprite

Made Player Movement

Made Player Attack

Made EnemyMovement

Made Targeting System

Made Camera Followscript

Made Playerstats script

DAY 2(Thursday): 9 hours

Used Bing AI some more

Made Slugger Sprite

Made enemyStats script

Created Interfaces for enemystats

Made Projectile get destroyed on walls

Made enemy not walk through things and not fly

Moved Player combat to seperate script

Made Melee Attack

Made Seperete Effect Script for different attacks

DAY 3(Friday): 5 hours

Added Hitstop

Blocked out Whole Level

Made Moth Sprite

Made Target Indicator Animations + State

Made Damage Numbers System

DAY 4(Saturday): 2 hours

Finished level blockout

Made Knockback system

Fixed + Finished Primary Projectile Behavior

DAY 5 (Sunday): 1 hours

Made Player not climb walls

Made Enemy Sprite indicate when hovering over

Made Player stand still when Melee

DAY 6 (Monday): 11 hours

Made Mothling Art

Made Mothling Enemy

Refined Damage Numbers

Made Enemy Combat System

Made Enemy Melee Attack

Made Enemy Ranged Attack

Made player take damage and die

Added simple Dropshadow

Refined Stat Changer

Made Stat Changer Presets for Starting area

Made cooldowns reset after time

Made Lamp with Disperse Ability

Day 7 (Tuesday): 10 hours

Made Slugger Attack

Added breakable Object Functionality

Added Enemy Spawner

Finished Drop Shadow

Made secondary Attack

Made Lamp Follow Player

Changed to new Camera System

Polished Camera & Enemy Selection Systems

Added Camera Scenery View

Added ScreenShake

Day 8 (Wednesday): 6 hours

Refined Camera

Added Custom Cursor

Made Room systems

Day 9 (Thursday) : 9 hours

Player Idle Animation

Player Walk Animation

Player Kick Animation

Day 10 (Friday) : 10 hours

Player Death Animation

Player Special Animation

Player Melee Animation

Player Spell Animation

Player Animation Variants

Day 11 (Saturday) : 12 hours

Implemented Player Animations

Refined Player Melee

Refined Special Attack

Remade Targeting System

Change Melee attack to Kick attack

Made New Melee Attack

Day 12 (Sunday) : 11 hours

All Zambi Animations

All Slugger Animations

All Mothling Animations

Refined Room System

Day 13 (Monday) : 14 hours

Implemented All animations

Added Spell Ability

Refined Code for All Player Combat

Added Parallax BackGround

Made Main Menu

Made Pause Menu

Made Info Menu

Made Cooldown system for UI

Made Cooldown Icons

Day 14 (Tuesday) : 8 hours

Projectile Animations

Made Volumetric lights

Stat System

Remade level In Blender

Level Design


Submitted to the Gamejam