Posted May 02, 2023 by nesekai
Hi everyone,
My name is Eliot and I've recently been working on Tower Climb (the name is a work in progress) - a roguelike, spell-slinging, platformer game.
I'd like to share my progress regarding the game's development and hope that you might find these posts interesting.
First, the premise:
Upon their wicked tower, a necromancer has been raising the dead and amassing evil from across the lands. Their power grows by the day, and soon they will have an army powerful enough to take-on the world... but they made a mistake.
You play as the hero - a general who had long-ago fallen in battle to evil, that is, until the necromancer made the mistake of resurrecting them. Normally, when the necromancer resurrects a creature, that creature's mind is overcome by the necromancer's intent, but this general has will so strong that they retained their righteousness and now seek to once again vanquish evil.
To do so, they must climb, face stronger and tougher enemies, and in doing so, gain strength themselves as they absorb the lifeforce of those which they destroy. Then, finally, they can face the necromancer and put an end to the tower.
I hope that this description has helped to illustrate a bit about what Tower Climb is planned to be about. Below is a screenshot from the prototype which I have been creating, hence some of the placeholder art.
There will be more details to follow in the upcoming weeks with regards to character progression, enemy types, items, minibosses and more.
Thank you for reading,