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v6289 devlog(matharon jam edition)

first half of the dev log:

time to make a new steam capsule because the old one really sucked!(also the commission is too good to not make use of it)

should have gone with a black bg i nthe first palce

threshold affects alot of painting

this is the old one

fixed slow motion visual effect persisting after player death

making the show music thingy auto vanish after 10s

and now a trigger for player to get out of the main menu

i suspect the stage 10 wqall of doom hitbox has isues

nvm its the bullets

hitbox buffed

smaller hitbox increase tension good but it mess with the stage saly

mouse scroll up also load backlog now

if(vngen_is_log_displayed() == false)

hm cant i just make the vn objects parent of each other

ez refactor in the fuiture

menu player go brrrrrrrrrrr

i should add a wall on top of the menu room

door(and also porting rough story draft in to real vn segments)

i now realize my enemes dont have death particles guess its build in gm paritcle time aign

good thing the enemy death is pretty easy to edit since a part of it uses a sciprt

no idea why isnt the entire thing scirpted but past me probaly have no idea whats making code easily editable

testing other effects

i cant see anything


funny but no


note to self:sprite needs a pixel empty to render outline

i love easily editable code

my man now opens his legs while jumping upward

dialgoue porting hell

also 40 mins left in the matharon jam

gotta reload gamemaker to reload licenses kek

10 mins left

ggwpnorekthxbai,time to ask for extend

Download A2C:Ayry seems to be playtesting a 2D runner shooter from Cci(demo)
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