Posted May 01, 2023 by creatorheathor
This week marked the start of our second production sprint. Our first sprint went pretty well, so we could start this new sprint with ease. New tasks have been assigned, while keeping in mind that all our features need to be roughly done by the end of this sprint.
For most of our artists this week consisted out of modeling, unwrapping, texturing, more unwrapping, more texturing, ..., etc. It's safe to say that we are nearing the end of production for our (basic) assets. Below you can see our new models and textures. There are no pictures of assets that only have been unwrapped, but expect a texture for them next week!
Everything you can interact with now has a colored outline when you are near it. You can interact with the control panels, generators, trash and trashcan.
We now have a widget ready for our NPC's to display that they are angry.
There is also now a widget that displays the overal timer of the game
Programming wise, we worked more on the sabotaging features. Some animations were added to the broken attractions based on the repair and sabotage status. The bumper cars also have a full functionality now. Lastly, the filling of the progress bar is now also based on the value of button mashing.
While everyone worked on features and assets, all of these do need to be implemented in the level as well!
With a (hopefully) last groundplane layout change, the foundation level should be 100% done. A lot of assets have been added, such as a fence, pier, signs, ..., etc. It's finally starting to have a look of an actual game.
At the end of the week we tried to playtest our game. We did this through Parsec. We sadly noticed some issues, that we will hopefully fix next week:
- There is no collision on the fence because it is a spline mesh
- There is a bug with finishing the tasks of the ferris wheel
- The fourth player can't move or get controller vibrations
Next week we will try to finish all the necessary assets, add the pathway to the level,try fixing our bugs, get a NPC model, tweak the outline shader and get started on more features.
See you next week!