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Fantasia's Fancy (GameJam)
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello dreamers! This is the first version of Fantasia's Fancy uploaded, made for the Zelda 4 Zelda Game Jam.

General features

  • The game should automatically go to the options menu if you don't already have a configuration saved.
    • That's right, the options save when you leave the options screen.
    • The options menu allows for changing the window size, quickly snapping the window to a position on the screen, audio volume settings, and rebinding keyboard and maybe controller inputs. (I wasn't able to test the controller to make sure it was actually working as intended.)
  • Fantasia can walk around a small village with a few enemies and enter an early version of the first dungeon, Maze Garden.
  • Fantasia begins this version of the game with the Staff, Tea Pot, and Ivory Flute. These will be acquired early in the game in the final version.
  • The camera can lock into rooms in a manner similar to certain legendary games. This is done in a very sloppy way and will be revised in later game versions.

Not representative of final product

This GameJam version of the game isn't at all feature-complete and features a miniaturized, not-fully-furnished version of the first dungeon, Maze Garden. This dungeon will take a little more doing to get into in the final game, and will be a lot more gooder. The GameJam version doesn't even have push blocks.

This early version is thrown together rather sloppily and will be prone to bugs, including getting stuck on the geometry. It's also not polished; pots and bushes have no animation when you break them, and the dungeon boss and MacGuffin are very unpolished, especially graphically.

The music isn't 100% done but I think it's presentable. The boss would probably be a little more impressive if it made literally any sounds.

Known issues

  • I wasn't able to test if rebinding the controller actually works.
  • The exported game's visuals are not behaving the same as they were in the editor. The items are invisible in the inventory, when dropped on the ground, and on the HUD (but still work if you equip / use / collect them.) Also, the already-very-rushed ending sequence is ruined by improper z-indexing. Thanks Godot...
  • Fantasia doesn't "slip around" obstacles she runs against. This is most noticeable when trying to enter doorways. She can fit through those but it takes a little wiggling.
  • Fantasia, and enemies, can get stuck on the level geometry.
  • There are z-order issues with some visuals. Fantasia's set up so that she'll display on top of most things because always seeing where you are is the better option.
  • The Tea Pot consumes tea leaves, but the dungeon item doesn't actually consume the item it uses. I could have made it do so, but decided to let the GameJam version be a littler easier and a lot more fun.

Notes on music

  • All of the game assets were made new during the Game Jam, but the compositions of the songs are old thoughts I've had in my head for way too long - except Fantasia's theme, that's a new one.
  • The secret ditty isn't exactly the Zelda noise. If it was, Nintendo would hire the Pinkertons to come raid my house. I may have to change it later anyway if it's found to be too similar.
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