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Devlog: The story So far

Gen_X Version 0.04
A downloadable Genx shooter

The year is 2187 in the western half of the United States.

Tech companies dabbled with the prospect of genetic manipulation, so much so that they have created mutants capable of performing specific tasks for humans. These mutants are a hybrid between humans and animals, combining traits that are used to not only aesthetically please the creators, but to provide augmentations to people that they'd be unable to even dream of getting. From wings, super strength, vast intelligence and limb repair, these mutants are genetically altered to provide a breakthrough in scientific research. Humans could live longer, people can get smarter, and genetic defects would be a thing of the past...

Art by Reed

... for the right kinds of people.

These companies have figured out how to control the entire population from means of genetic manipulation, to entertainment conditioning to pacify the humans and enslave the mutants. Democracy is dead, free thinking is dead, and individuality is dead. The upper class are heavily privileged with a personality while the lower classes are subject to endless hypnotic entertainment regiments and backbreaking labor. The mutants too are enslaved, due to this labor. This isn't the typical dystopian government where the thought police are ruling the citizens by fear. The government doesn't even send their cops out to even knock on a single door. Companies influence every decision, and have mercenaries to deal with the more rowdy individuals. Because of this, violence is rampant, but the citizens don't seem to notice, since they are too hypnotized with entertainment.

They never get to see Mutants being enslaved by humans.

To the company, mutants are mainly products, either to fulfill a certain type of work or to provide entertainment to their human masters. They are bred and killed like a commodity, often recycled to be food products or raw genetic material to create more mutants. Any mutant who did rebel are usually vilified and immediately killed by mercenaries. Mutants can even be randomly recycled when a human has no more use for a mutant. It is a vicious cycle of violence and depravity with little hope for change.

That is... until a mutant named Jack entered the picture...

Jack is a labor mutant, who is tasked with repairing and replacing technological parts. He was really good at it, knowing the ins and outs of technical circuitry, robotics and machinery due to his constant work at the factory. Often known as a troublemaker, the foreman often physically abuses him and forces him to work faster to make an example of the other mutants. Jack even lost his arm when he attempted to stop one of his friends from being taken by mercenaries, causing one to shoot his arm off. With the help of a mysterious doctor, he is grafted with a cybernetic arm outfitted with a hidden arm cannon. One faithful day,  Jack had enough of his work and rebelled, activating his arm cannon and shooting his way out of the factory and into the unknown world.

It was then that Jack became a scourge of Infinitycorp.

However, due to Jack’s sudden departure of his own soul-crushing work, the media throughout the western United States devolved into a frenzy, hell bent on killing Jack. A fellow scientist sees Jack able to upset the total control of Infinitycorp, thus helping him to defeat the six bosses holding up the genetic company to free the mutants once and for all. He would need help, however, since other genetic companies will try to undermine his efforts all in the name of profit. Along the way, he is accompanied by an AI called the Cybernetic Augmentation and Biological Attack Line (CABAL) that accompanies Jack throughout the story. However, Jack and CABAL are allies through convenience as there are many instances where the AI acts on her own self-interest. Since he is also going up against large entities with deep pockets, Jack would have to use a latent ability to steal the weapons and abilities of Infinitycorp bosses, use their technology against them and research new ways to assassinate key members of infinitycorp.

More will come to this story, since this isn't your typical rebellion.

Download Gen_X Version 0.04
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