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New Eek Serkat Shape!

Geogon PolyMetry: The Proof Concept
A downloadable Geogon V-slice Unity for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Now we had been talked about first 3 shape this SHanpe has. today we have new special, meta shape, only accessible by special event.



Yes, the dirty colored diamond (ketupat) shape very right there, that sits next to not an illuminati triangle!

Joel designed this shape out of his random instinct. He added an hourglass on the middle, pair play logo on each side, pair tunnel on top and bottom, pair of 4 spoke star each between play and hourglass. Voila! it actually forms reversible EEK SERKAT face! XD ahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Just imagine that, it look's like someone was X _ X and it is make sense in both ways.

wow. that was Extremely Duper Awesome!!!


How to have this shape?

Simple, you die on the game, and then SHanpe will transform into this EEK Serkat face. You will lose all control to it as you are now died

When it respawn, it will transform back to your current shape and regain back the previous control to it.

Design wise

I forgot what to say then. Oh well.

It also can fall 45 degress eitherways like real people dying and then fall tumble to ground. Yes, the diamond shape reflects such action perfectly.

The image sprite sheet is now become huge!!! almost exceeding Unity's maximum cut slicer. We were gave a space away, and out slicing fails. after we found out, it was that this sheet is too big! so we remove spacing and near it right next to last shape, triangle. Unity, please fix this! increase maximum! we have 300 DPI sprite sheets on average as a printing standard.


As of now, when it respawn, it will keep its current angular position. This is because we forgot to reset its rotation Transform. We will add it later, and probably add option to enable reset rotation on respawn.

That's it for now

Thank you for your attention. See you next week.

Download Geogon PolyMetry: The Proof Concept
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