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A meal ticket by any other name

City Escape
A browser game made in HTML5

It's been a busy day. Although I've worked on a lot of animation assets, I'm making a rule that I can't really talk about anything that I haven't directly incorporated into the project file. Maybe I'll break this rule in the future—who knows?

I've developed the inventory system a bit. You can now navigate the inventory using the directional inputs. Hovering over an item will display a description of the item. Originally, I thought that this would be a great way to give the players hints about where to use an item. But then I just ended up putting weird little jokes in there, instead. It was way more fun to write.

A lot of gameplay elements in City Escape are so unfathomably shallow. In fact, prior to this, the inventory system wasn't even really an inventory system. The game wasn't even really keeping track of what items you had in any sort of significant way. It was just flipping the visibility of quirky little item icons that I drew. But it has becoming somewhat more "legitimate" with this update—the individual item slots now carry actual strings that correspond with the items occupying them.

Part of me will miss the 16384 pixels that it has taken away from the top section of the pause screen.

Luckily, that part of me—in time—will fade.

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