is community of indie game creators and players



A browser visual novel made in HTML5

Hi all,

We're really excited to put this out into the world, and we're also immensely grateful with all the support and nice comments we've gotten so far. We had no idea how this would be received, if it was going to be regarded at all, so the response has been a welcome surprise.

This is our first official, submitted game jam entry, and it was a lovely experience. I personally have tried several already, but never had quite the time or speed to finish until now. I'm glad this was my first entry; the O2A2 VN Jam had really nice rules, and the community was wonderful. It was definitely encouraging & inspiring to work on this jam alongside so many of my peers.  I've only played a dozen, but each entry has blown me away! I definitely feel like this won't be the last you'll see of either of us in the O2A2 community.

This is also my first game in a year! Job seeking, then employment & burnout left me exhausted and creatively dry for a long time. I did try to make things, even if it was just for myself, but nothing really stuck. I've also been dealing with a huge creative crisis-- this industry wants workers to specialize in one thing only, and be the very best at it. And frankly I'm too bad at either, but I was too burnt out and stressed to really feel confident enough to try new things and be happy in my own skin.  So thank god for this jam, and more specifically thanks to BaiYu and PRINCESS INTERNET CAFé for doing such a wonderful job of hosting and helping all of us jammers out. Y'all rock. Thanks for getting me out of this slump. 

I want to thank ghost for being such a wonderful creative partner. I've been dying to make something with them, because they're a wonderful writer who's unafraid to get really fucking weird and go into dark places. It's thanks to their hard work and talent that this got made; all I did was bring their vision to life. I hope this is one of many collaborations, because I got the horror bug now. It rules.

More thanks incoming....ghost would like to thank everyone for their time. Y'all could've played any game, but you played ours! And they're very grateful and honored. We also want to thank everyone who helped us make the game; K and Ellis Dex for their incredible editing help, PRINCESS INTERNET CAFé for their immense patience as I struggled and trashed against my very first foray into Ren'Py; it's thanks to them that we have a cool pink UI and effects. BaiYu also comes here, because his all in one template saved my life. <3

No game gets developed in isolation, and we appreciate all the support people gave us to make this VN happen.

Here comes INTRUDER. We hope you have fun playing it.

- ghost & ruins

P.S.: If you can & would like to support us, we've updated the page to include a $2 art pack with high quality files of the art, and a cool zine where we talk about how we approached this jam. 

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