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Patch notes 1.3.0

Sneaky Bug Catcher
A downloadable game for Windows

This is a major update to Sneaky Bug Catcher which includes many new features and changes which are as follows:

-Added a base for the player to visit after their end results screen, clicking on the door in that map returns the player to the main level
-Net mechanics have changed allowing the player to control the direction of the nets swing by holding the button down and moving their mouse
-Bugs no longer stack and the inventory size is restricted to 12 slots
-Menu music has been changed and sfx have been added to clicking on UI
-Bugs have received 3D models and Bluefly and Fae Mantis have been replaced by the Orefly and Flarefly respectively


  • Sneaky Bug Catcher 156 MB
    Apr 22, 2023
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