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Influences behind the game

Bane Of Oakenshade
A downloadable game for Windows

I love first person ARPG games. I find it much more immersive. Kings Field nails this genre. Regardless of its age and jankiness it stands up today. With out going into endless praise of how good FROM SOFTWARE is I'll keep it short.  10 influences (that aren't kings Field!) for Bane of Oakenshade.  Here we go.

Daggerfall. Yes of course it is. 

Diablo 1. The atmosphere and horror is peak on this one

Lord of The Rings. I read Fellowship right before I began work on this game. Also yes I enjoyed Rings of Power. Yes the Warg looked terrible.

Neverwinter Nights. Probably Hordes Of the Underdark more than anything. Just had those dark vibes I find very immersive. Plus it's in a mountain sort of?

Moratheia. A SoM game. Possibly one of the most enjoyable games I've played in recent years and the atmosphere is some of the best I've seen period.

Countless Black Metal albums. Too many to name.  Heavy, lots of blastbeats and corpse paint. Plenty of swords. Synth intros are a shoo in.

My wife. She kept watching The real house wives of Beverly Hills so it inspired me to get the fuck out of there and do something productive. The housewives could do with a stint on Melanat I reckon. Poison caves perhaps?

The Fall of civilisation's  podcast. Great Podcast. It's also on YouTube. Long in depth episodes covering long forgotten people's of the ancient world. I highly recommend it!

Arn The Knight Templar. 2 Swedish Movies split into a mininseries. Focuses on Scandinavian kings and the crusades prior to the fall of Jarusalem to Saladin. Good show. even better cinematography.

Nature. The natural world in general. I did use some photoshopped AI art in the game but most of the environmental BMPs I took myself.


  • Bane Of Oakenshade 111 MB
    Apr 19, 2023
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