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Mechfight Remake
A downloadable game for Windows

The original game was written back in 1990 by Florian Marquardt & Christoph Marquardt.  I really enjoyed playing it back on our old Amiga 500 and CD drive, but playing it now - almost 30 years after it was made - is actually a real pain due to having to mess about with emulators.  And when you do get it to run, there are a few annoyances like frequent crashes and the teeny-tiny window on the world and slightly weird controls.

Playing this originally back in the day there was something very engaging about the "living" station (there were the odd NPC guys walking around the map), and a real sense of adventure.  There was no real instructions or guidance on what to do in the original game, so you were very much left to your own devices in working out what to do.  I still to this day do not really know how to properly play the game, but that is half the charm!

There doesn't seem to be much online about this game apart from one or two YouTube videos and the occasional mention on an Amiga forum somewhere, but I have fond memories of playing it as a kid and thought it would be fun to remake it for modern platforms so that the game lives on for a new generation!  I enjoy the creative process of coding this all up, so I am looking forward to some really meditative time putting this together - perhaps only I will ever play it, but as they say sometimes the journey is better than the destination.

Since this game was distributed on a public domain CD-rom for the Amiga, I am assuming that it is in the public domain so my plan is to re-use the tiles and roughly base the maps on the originals - I dont think I will aim for an exact 100% recreation of the maps though as I want to leave myself some room for half-forgotten memories to slip in there (and as noted I dont even know what to do in this game!) so I dont plan on "ripping" the original map data from the Amiga original.  I also want the chance to add to the game in a few ways - e.g. more of the little green men walking around, perhaps doing something a bit more "intelligent" like moving between various parts of the station while "doing" things ... we'll see!

Let's see how this goes...

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