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Oblivion Eagle v0.2.0

Oblivion Eagle
A downloadable OE for Windows

v0.2.0 of Oblivion Eagle is a minor update. The biggest thing is that you heal more health over time now. This is to make the game less punishing for new players. As the developer, it's easy to forget how difficult the game actually is for newer people. I also made Bone Forges slightly weaker, among other tweaks.

Feel free to delete any older .zip files of this game to free up space on your device. Your save files will not be deleted, as they are stored elsewhere. The update notes are as follows:

  • Increased gradual healing amount for the Player
  • Reduced damage of Bone Forge's red hammer attack
  • Reduced damage of Big Boy's red cannon attack
  • Iudex destroying its own attacks no longer adds to the combo meter
  • Rebel Hunter destroying its own attacks no longer adds to the combo meter


  • Oblivion Eagle 468 MB
    Apr 16, 2023
Download Oblivion Eagle
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