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v0.98 Patch Notes

Monster Girl Manager
A downloadable game

Added the final dungeon

Cleansing Spores animation no longer draws the enemy team
Skills that give 100% hit chance like eyedrops will now properly show this when hovering an enemy that has avoid
Dead Mans switch no longer triggers if the holder is fainted
Fixed crash caused by the birds of paradise event
Fixed a crash caused by a skeleton event
Fixed a few floors that you could get stuck in.
Added missing hurt sounds to some enemies
Enemy brown overflow will no longer show enemy white overflow animation

Updated Giant Rat sprites
Updated Bat Sprites

Acid Spray now removes enemy armor but is only single target
Bat swarm inflicts more blind
The legendary bottles will now trigger when you take damage instead of when you receive broken.
Updated some events so they properly check the team for the girl with the best stats

Developer Comments:
This patch has the last dungeon, but it does not have the post game rewards or credit scenes. I wanted to release this dungeon early to make sure it was stable and balanced before adding final content.

The final dungeon is a bit tricky to balance because the enemies are difficult. I went for a bit of a boss rush design. Also some enemies can remove your team's artifacts so you may want to beat them quickly. Looking forward to feedback.

If there are any issues with the game, no matter how small, this is the time to let me know. Overlapping text, weird animations, typos, balance issues, anything. I plan on fixing bugs post 1.0, but otherwise we are looking at the final product.

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