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rough draft of story script for the game intro

C = Cci,A= Ayry


door bell rings



explosions happens

door appears from right side of the screen right into c face and push c to outside screen

c screams


Sound Effect Center

FBI Open Up (Meme) Sound Effect - No Copyright


c gets back from the left of the screen

A:Guardian of magitech,CCI.You are now under arrest by the secret service FCI for attempting to skip office work.You have the right to remina silence,and anything you say can be used against you in court.

c:can i hire Felix White as my lawyer?

a:are you sure?that lawyer is famous for presenting his attonery badge whenever he can in the court.

c:but his also really good at bluffing his way out of everything!

C:wait a minute,this isnt the time for lawyers!Ayry,you just blew up my door!

a:shouldnt you be concerned more about being blasted by a door more?Besides,most people on this land cant even access this place anyway.

c:The door has feelings too you know,it even has a family!look at door junior,he maybe look like a door,but his is bleeding tears in his heart!

A:Hey,stop right there,i could see you trying to cast a water spell at the door!

c:ah  bummer,i was gonna make up some evidence for the court.

A:Back to business.If you come back to the office nice and peacefully,i could say some nice thing to the grand chancellor and maybe it would reduce your punishment.

C:no wayyyyyyyy.My allowance is doomed either way,theres no way i am going home now,i still have a game to finish!

A:teleport behind C,chokes neck

A;who are you?which nation are you working for?insert name A,B here.Spit it out!

C:C-Calm down ayry!I am the one and only protagonist,Cci!

A:tell me your rank in war thunderstorm now in 5 seconds




C:Dont be silly ayry!We are not allowed to play war thunderstorms for security reasons!everyone know the thunderstorm players leak classified documents so the vehicles would be buffed in game!

A:one more question,what is the role of the guardian in a nation?

C:A guardian protect the land it rules from any threat,do quests and paperwork and "censored"!.

A:drops cci

Alright,sorry about that cci,i thought it was a spy disguised from the other nations.Its part of my job as an agent you know.Besides,you cant blame for being suspicious when the laziest guardian of the ceuntry is actually actively working on a game!Its the same as an Class-W incident happening! 

C:Booo,ayry. Boooooooooo.I can be hardworking once in a while too you know!And the nations have been at peace for at least 100 years!we just played tea fort 2 with the guardian of nation A last week!also,Whats an class W incident again? 

A: the kind of incident that is world ending to the point where the 3 nations had to work together despite their ideological differences,the last time it happens its like at least 200 years ago?

i sleep :bed:  continue tmr

Download A2C:Ayry seems to be playtesting a 2D runner shooter from Cci(demo)
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